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Sunday 21 April 2013

Foreign Isles

Foreign Isles are not for every one to go to.
They are only accessible by the Adventure Kayak, which only a sub with a level 2 ranch can buy.
Although it may seem expensive, having a Kayak on your ranch is really helpful.
You can earn back all your money by picking stuff at the foreign isles, but there are NO wild horses, NO lucky snags and only flowers and fruit for picking.
When you have picked your fill and are too tired to carry on, you can always paddle back to your ranch, switch a horse and then get back to the isle. It is completely FREE OF CHARGE, and every time you visit your ranch you get refreshed completely--no inns needed!
When you have picked all you wanted, go to the Narrowton General Store to sell them. The Narrowton General Store pays you the highest price for everything, especially gems (except quartz, which you sell to the old lady at the second floor of the Angleton Inn, and something else; scroll down). So when you think of selling something, go to the Narrowton General Store.

Something that the Narrowton General Store doesn't pay the highest for:
1. Quartz. Sell them to the old lady, Madam GoldFire (I think), at the second floor of the Angleton Inn. You will have to walk to the very end of the rooms to find her. She is an old lady with white hair, and NO PARROT BESIDE HER. (Probably, forgive me if my memory fails me.)

2. Golden feathers. You can find them on the mountains, or after if you finish a quest. Sell them at a Tigerton house, the house where Madam Ocelot (I think) lives. Her house is full of pets... Snakes, fish, chicks...

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