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Sunday 14 July 2013

Crater Mountain

Hi readers, long time no blog :)

I understand that when Horse Islers enter Crater Mountain Isle (the green grass in the middle), NeighFins will come and scare off your horse, making you dismount, and engage in an automatic conversation with you. Do you want to do this quest and find out how to get rid of this?

You will need: a magnifying glass.
Reward: $100k ($100,000)

When NeighFins appears (on Crater Mountain Isle), talk to him.

Go to WhoMeFins and talk to him. He is on the northwest side of the sequoia trees, nearly touching the edge of the grass part on the isle.

Talk to WhoMeFins again once you have found the hedge he requires. Each location for the hedge is different for everyone. The hedge will be on the beaches of the specific locations he needs. May take some time. Just use your magnifying glass on every bush that appears on the beach on the specific isles.
For example:
He may require a bush from Narrowed Isle. If you can't find the bush on Narrowed Isle, try the sub-isles of it, like Dumbbell Isle.

Talk to NotMeFins. He is on the eastern side of the sequoia trees, nearly touching the cliffs.

Talk to NotMeFins after you have his hedge. At this point, you are frustrated with looking for hedges and after you search for a while you will just uproot a random one and then you can go talk to NotMeFins.

Talk to NeighFins.

Talk to him again once you have gotten the item he asks for. The item is different for everyone so make sure you pay attention to what he says!

When you have talked to NotMeFins and WhoMeFins, they will give you a "sacred" word which you will use on NeighFins when you give the item back to him. This scares him away and he drops 100k. There you have it, your money and freedom to go onto Crater Mountain Isle without NeighFins appearing every time and scaring your horse away.


  1. This is a very frustrating and annoying quest, I found looking on the sub isles of the isle you were told if the bush youre looking for isnt on the ilse you were told, go to one of the sub isles.

  2. NotMeFins on my game said on the meadow isles, but not silly places like shipwreck or seashell isles. The problem is, it's not on any of the meadow isles including those. Any suggestions?

    1. Try searching again, along the beach, and maybe you overlooked some Isles that are also counted as Meadow Isles. Meadow Isles means that all isles off of Meadow Isle, and try counting Meadow Isle itself :)

      (Sorry it took so long to reply)

  3. What if you don't have a magnifying glass?! i just joined and didn't know that you i could get stuck on the isle.
